
Interview 3

Checking in with King James

How has the season started so far?:
Lebron: It's been good. I'm happy with how we look out there. Damn Kobe still looks good huh? Homeboy can shoot. I knew it would've been a good fit, we eliminate all these ISOs and we can flow and find each other out there. Kyrie has really stepped up the last two games, I think we found his shot nicely. Jeremy fills out our bench, that fella can play both guard positions which helps us out a lot. Especially with Mike (Miller) going down with the concussion.

With Miller going down, do you see any need to make moves?
Lebron: Nah, not really. Like the Seahawks up in Seattle, its next man up. James Jones going to get minutes these next months, he's gotta step up and make those shots when we need him. Wish you the best Mike!

Hows your relationship with GM Michael?
Lebron: It's great. He lets me do my thing out on the court and he got us Kobe. I know he wants to say he got us Lin too, but you know Kobe has been huge with those two game winners. The GM gotta step up his recording though, there are some sweet highlights y'all missing out on. Get that figured out boy! I'm out.

Interview 2

Kobe, what was it like knowing that you were leaving Los Angeles, a home for you, in a sense:

Kobe: Listen, I love LA and will always love the fans and the people of LA and I hope to retire as a Laker. But you know what I love more than LA? Winning. And you know we aint winning sh** in LA. When the opportunity came up for LA to rebuild, it was their best interest to move on from Kobe, and you know what, I'm glad to have helped them out. Instead of leaving them in free agency or just retiring, I gave them some pieces like Love, Shump, JR, Mozgov, draft picks. I mean that team needs the help. I want to win and teaming up with Lebron was the best way to do it. He wanted me, the GM wanted me, and I wanted to win.

Jeremy, you've played with superstar after superstar. You've been on different teams. You could've started for the Lakers, but now you're on the bench backing up Kyrie. How do you feel about the trade?

Lin: First off, thanks to God for this opportunity. Now, I'm very thankful for every chance I've had in the NBA. To play with Melo, James (Harden), and now to team up with Lebron, Kobe, Kyrie and the rest of this team is a dream come true. I just want to be wanted by a team and the Cavs wanted me. The GM is my biggest fan and I know I will do everything I can to be the best player off the bench to bring home a championship to Cleveland.

What does it mean to play for Cleveland?

Kobe: Ehh, it means a lot. I know this city is championship hungry. I'm hungry for championships too. It means a lot for me. I can focus on my shooting in Cleveland because Lebron can do a lot of things for me that I could've done about 10 years ago. I'm excited.

Lin: It means everything. God gave me this opportunity and Cleveland has given me the chance. I will give everything I got for this city and this team

Cleveland is excited for these two to be on the court for the city.

Interview 1

LeBron James on his return to Cleveland:

Lebron: "I'm excited to back home. Miami was like a college experience for me, gaining four years of valuable championship experience with my best friends. I enjoyed playing in Miami, but it is time for me to be back in Cleveland. Growing up in Akron and being drafted by the Cavaliers was a dream come true. I am ready to do everything I can lead this team to a championship for the city of Cleveland.

On his current squad:

Lebron: "The GM Michael and I are on the same page. He has a vendetta on the NBA since the Seattle team left and he and I will work out who will best fit this team for our championship run

Any clues on who will join his supporting cast:

Lebron: Not really, I would like another superstar, who wouldn't want more superstars on their side? Thanks guys.

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