Wednesday, June 17, 2015

LeBron James Pre Season Interview

LeBron James on his return to Cleveland:

Lebron: "I'm excited to back home. Miami was like a college experience for me, gaining four years of valuable championship experience with my best friends. I enjoyed playing in Miami, but it is time for me to be back in Cleveland. Growing up in Akron and being drafted by the Cavaliers was a dream come true. I am ready to do everything I can lead this team to a championship for the city of Cleveland.

On his current squad:

Lebron: "The GM Michael and I are on the same page. He has a vendetta on the NBA since the Seattle team left and he and I will work out who will best fit this team for our championship run

Any clues on who will join his supporting cast:

Lebron: Not really, I would like another superstar, who wouldn't want more superstars on their side? Thanks guys.

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